Sunday, 17 December 2023

Pizza Dough for one Pizza.


180g white bread flour (Stone ground)

120g water @ 40 degrees C. (66% hydration.)

1/3 tsp Instant yeast 

1 tsp sugar

1/2 tsp salt.

1 tsp Olive Oil 


Disolve the sugar in the water by stirring in a jug

Add the yeast to the water and stir until well mixed in.

Let stand for 10 to 15 minutes for a layer of foam to develop on top. This will tell you if the yeast is active. If it doesn't foam, repeat with fresh yeast.

Mix the flour and salt in a mixing bowl.

Add the Olive Oil and yeast mixture.

Combine well. I use a silicone spatula for this but you can also use a wooden spoon or your hands.

Cover with plastic wrap or I use a plastic shower cap and allow to stand in a warm area to rise for 12 to 72 hours. In warmer weather it's best to put it in the fridge after 8 hours or so. Then take it out a few hours before you use it to come to room temperature.

After it has risen for at least 12 hours I turn it out onto a work surface and knock the air out and then put it back into the bowl for a second rise, covering it again 

Turn the risen dough out onto a flat surface, knock it down and roll into a pizza base using a rolling pin or stretch it with your hands 

If it tends to shrink back to a smaller size, just let it stand for 30+ minutes covered with a tea towel for the dough to relax before rolling out again.

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