This is a really old one, going back to when I was around 6 years old. We had a neighbour called Mrs Lewis who to me at the time seemed about 100 years old. Every now and then she would cook up a batch of flapjacks, or crumpets as they were known then. They are also known as griddle cakes. She would then invite me over for a plateful of these.
Anyway, my mother wrote down the recipe and we still have them for breakfast every now and then. They are really easy.
1 and 1/2 cups of cake flour.
pinch of salt.
3/4 cup sugar.
1 egg.
1 cup milk.
1 and 1/2 teaspoons of baking powder.
I add the egg and milk together in a blender and blend and then slowly, while the blender is running, add the dry ingredients. Let it rest for 10 minutes or more. You could also mix them together in a bowl, adding the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients until thoroughly combined.
Heat a large frying pan on the stove and add a small knob of butter and around a teaspoon of oil. The oil stops the butter from burning.
Spoon a Tablespoon of the mixture, one at a time into the hot pan until it is full of separate flapjacks. Similar to this image.
Cook until slightly puffed up and bubbles start appearing on top and then flip with an egg lifter or spatula and cook on the other side until done.
Keep warm on a hot tray or on a plate in the oven, slightly heated and cook the next batch, adding more butter and oil until all the mixture is used up.
Serve with lashings of butter and maple syrup or honey.
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